1. “Towards Sustainable Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria”. A Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of Farm Management Association of Nigeria, 10th –12th October, 1995 at the University of Uyo
2. “Application of Statistical Information in policy formulation”. Paper presented at the Nigerian Statistical Association annual Seminar, Akwa Ibom State, Uyo. June 1996.
3. “Exchange Rate Policies and Nigeria’s Agricultural Production” (1975-1995). Paper presented at the Biannual Research Workshop of African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Nairobi, Kenya 23rd – 28th May and 5th – 10th December, 1998.
4. “Revenue Allocation in Nigeria during the Military Era”. Paper Presented at a Round Table Conference on Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria: The Political Economy of Revenue Allocation”. Uyo, 24th November 1999 with Dr. Uwatt. B. Uwatt.
5. “Entrepreneurship Characteristics and Behaviour”. Paper presented at the 2000 Engineering Week on the Theme: Engineering Strategies for Entrepreneurship and Career Development. Uyo. 21st – 23rd December, 2000.
6. “Management by Objectives” Paper presented at a 3-day Conference on Project Monitoring and Evaluation at Uyo on the 23rd –30th March,2000.
7. “An Overview of the Structure and Performance of the Akwa Ibom State Economy”. Paper presented at the Exco Projects Management Retreat on the theme: “Promoting Budget Discipline and Accountability in Projects Management”. Eket, 24th – 26th April, 2001.
8. “Best Practices and Performance Excellence: A Survey of Best Practices in various organisational Development Characteristics”. Paper presented during a workshop on Manpower Issues and Problems in Akwa Ibom State. The workshop was organised by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Akwa Ibom State in collaboration with GEOM Consultants, Uyo, 20th-21st November, 2001.
9. “The impact of Democracy on the Akwa Ibom State Economy”. Paper presented at a public lecture to mark the 2nd Anniversary celebration of the installation of Democratic Governance in Nigeria in general and Akwa Ibom State in particular. Monday, 28th May, 2001. 10. “Economics of the Environment” Lead Paper presented during the 4th National Conference of the Tropical Environmental Forum (TEFO), held in Uyo, October 30th – November 1st, 2001, with Prof. Akpan H. Ekpo.
11 “Local Government Autonomy in the Nigerian Federal Structure: Implication for Revenue Mobilization and Allocation”. Paper presented at a 3-day Workshop on Revenue Generation and Tax Administration in Local Government Councils. Uyo. 13th – 15th March, 2001.
12. “Policy Framework for Rapid Expansion of Science and Technology in Akwa Ibom State”. Position Paper presented during the workshop on Science and Technology Policy for Akwa Ibom State. The workshop was organised by the Bureau of Science and Technology, Akwa Ibom State on 25th – 27th March 2002, with Prof. Akpan H. Ekpo.
13. “Labour Economics and National Development” Paper presented at the 4th Triennial Delegate Conference of the Association of Senior Civil Servants, Akwa Ibom State Branch, Uyo, 25th – 26th June, 2002.
14. “Environmental Baseline Data: A Panacea for Environmental Crises in Nigeria”. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association. 29th October – 2nd November, 2002.
15. “Youth Council in Community Development” Paper presented at the Inauguration of Youth Councils in Akwa Ibom State. 17th December, 2003.
16. “Report Writing on Implementation of HIV/AIDS Programme Development Project Activities in Akwa Ibom State” Paper Presented at the Workshop on Report Writing and Use of Funds for State Project Team (S.P.T.) and State Action Committee on AIDS in Akwa Ibom State, 11th March, 2003 at the Conference Hall, Agatha Garden Guest House, Plot 69B Ewet Housing Estate, Uyo.
17. “Budget as a Tool for Economic Development” Paper presented at a one-day Seminar for members of Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly Committee on Appropriation and Finance. Agatha Garden Hotels, Uyo, 22nd March, 2004.
18. “The Church and Human Development”. Paper presented at a Seminar organised by Uyo Area Men Fellowship, Qua Iboe Church of Nigeria, on Saturday, 10th July, 2004.
19. “Sources and Management of Funds for Effective Local Government Administration”. Paper presented at a Seminar / Workshop on the practice of parliamentary system at the Local Government Councils. The seminar was organized by the National Orientation Agency, Akwa Ibom State on Friday, 24th September, 2004, at Eket.
20. “Defining Poverty within the Nigerian Context: The Grassroots Perspective”. Paper presented at a two-day workshop organised by National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) in Benin on 8th – 9th December, 2004.
21. “Report Writing in Project Management” Paper presented at the Workshop on Project Planning, Management and Evaluation. The workshop was held on Tuesday, 7th – Thursday, 9th December, 2004 at the Summit Complex, Uyo
22. Competitiveness and Economic Growth: Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Economic Society (NES) 26th – 28th August 2008 (with Prof. A. H. Ekpo).
23. Mechanics of Fiscal Budget Preparation: Experience from Nigeria. Lecture L-7 delivered at WAIFEM Regional course on Public Finance, Lagos, Nigeria, August 5, 2009.
24. Monitoring and Evaluation of NEEDS, MTEF and Annual Budgets: Case Study – Nigeria. Lecture L-8 Presented at WAIFEM Regional Course on Public Finance, Lagos, Nigeria. August 5, 2009.
25. Managing Expenditure: Cash Planning and Management Lecture Presented at WAIFEM National Course on Reforms on Budget Preparations for Kaduna State – World Bank Assisted Project, Lagos, 8th June 2010
26. Elements of MTEF/MTSS: Concepts, Structure and Preparation. Lecture L- 7 Presented at WAIFEM National Course on Training the Trainers on Linkages between budget and Economic Planning – MTEF/MTSS Framework for Budget/Planning Officers in Bauchi State. Lagos, 8th – 16th November, 2010.
27. Managing Expenditure: Cash planning and management. Lecture L-25 Presented at WAIFEM National Course on Reforms on Budget Preparation for Bauchi State, World Bank – Assisted Project. Lagos, Nigeria on March 29 – April 9, 2010.
28. Monitoring and Evaluation of SEEDS, MTEF and Annual Budgets. Lecture L-9 delivered at WAIFEM National Course on Training the Trainers on Linkages Between Budget and Economic Planning – MTEF/MTSS Framework for Budget/Planning Officers in Bauchi State. Lagos, 8th – 16th November 2010.
29. Fiscal Strategy and Its Relevance for MTEF/MTSS and Budgeting Lecture L-8 delivered at WAIFEM National Course on Training the Trainers on the Linkages between Budget and Economic Planning – MTEF/MTSS Framework for Budget/Planning Officers in Bauchi State, Nigeria. 8th – 16th November, 2010.
30. The Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), Programme and Performance Management. Lecture L-7 Presented at WAIFEM Regional Course on Public Finance management: Planning and Performance. Lagos, March 21 – April 1, 2011.
31. Managing Expenditure: Cash Planning and Management. Lecture L-8 Presented at WAIFEM Regional Course on Public Financial Management: Planning and Performance in Lagos, March 21 – April 1, 2011..
32. Public Finance management and Fiscal Responsibility/Public Procurement Laws. Paper Presented at a Sensitization Workshop for Civil Society Organization in Akwa Ibom State. 12th – 14th December, 2011.
33. The necessity of Public Procurement and Fiscal Responsibility Laws in Good Governance. Paper Presented at a Sensitization Workshop for Civil Society Organizations in Akwa Ibom State. 12th – 14th December, 2011.
34. Managing Expenditure: Cash Planning and Management. Lecture L-12 Presented at WAIFEM Regional Course on Budgeting, Planning and Performance, in Banjul, The Gambia, March 19 – 30, 2012.
35. The Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), Programme and Performance Management. Lecture L-11 Presented at WAIFEM Regional Course on Budgeting, Planning and Performance in Banjul, The Gambia, March 19 – 30th, 2012
36. Macroeconomic Policy: Fiscal and Monetary Policies Lecture Presented at the Seminar on Economic Research Methodology, Policy Analysis and Management. Lagos, February 2 – 5, 2014
37. Mathematical Techniques in Economic Analysis: Input-Output Analysis Lecture Presented at the Seminar on Economic Research Methodology, Policy Analysis and Management. Lagos, February 2 – 5, 2014
38. Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Lecture Presented at the Seminar on Economic Research Methodology, Policy Analysis and Management. Lagos, February 2 – 5, 2014