ContactDepartment of Economics,
University of Uyo,
P.M.B 1017, Uyo,
Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Home Adrress:Afaha Offiong, Nsit Ibom
Marital StatusMarried
Basic Details
B.Sc. Economics (2nd Class Hons. Upper Division)
1981-1985 University of Calabar -
M.Sc. Economics (Econometrics)
1988-1990 University of Ibadan -
Ph.D. Economics (Econometrics)
2001 University of Uyo
1.Work Experience Before Present Appointment
Assistant Secretary Planning, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Ogun State.National Youth Service - 1985-19862. Work Experience in the University
a) Teaching Assistant - 1987-1989
b) Assistant Lecturer - 1990-1993
c) Lecturer II - 1993-2000
d) Lecturer I - 2000-2002
e) Senior Lecturer - 2002 - Date
(a) Courses Taught with Dates
1. Principles of Economics - 1987-1988
2. Mathematical Economics - 1990-Date
3. Statistical Methods - 1987-1993
4. Microeconomic Analysis - 1990-2000
5. Money and Banking - 1990-1995
6. Public Finance & Fiscal Policy etc. - 1990-1993
7. Business Economics (P.G.D) - 1993-2000
8. Macroeconomic Analysis - 1990-2000
9. Econometrics - 1993-2007
10. Operations Research - 1993-Date
11. Advanced Microeconomic Theory
12. Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
(b) Committees/Community Service with the University
1. Member of Technical Committee, Centre for Skills Acquisition and Rural Development (2003-2004)
2. Board Member, University of Uyo Farms Ltd. (2002-2004)
3. Co-ordinator of Economics Programme, School of Continuing Education, University of Uyo(2001-2009)
4. Examination Officer, Department of Economics (1990-2002)
5. Member, Faculty Examination Malpractice Committee (1990-1992; 2002-Date)
6. Coordinator, Remedial Basic Mathematics (1991-1994)
7. Coordinator, Centre for Skills Acquisition and Rural Development (CSARD), University of Uyo(2003-2008)
8. Economist, University of Uyo/University of Lancaster, Linkage Programme
9. Coordinator, Introduction to Social Science Statistics
(c) National/State/Community Service outside the University
1. Member Review Panel on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposed Pirigbene Deep – A Cluster Drilling Project. Bayelsa State 30th – 31st January, 2002 (Representing Professor Akpan H. Ekpo).
2. Member Review Panel on Bonny Terminal Integrated Project (BTIP) Environmental Impact Assessment. Rivers State in year 2000. (Representing Professor Akpan H. Ekpo).
3. Participant Scooping Workshop for the UTAPATE FDP. September 2001. Representing Foundation for Economic Research and Training (FERT), Uyo.
4. Member Review Panel on EIA of Proposed Mobil Land fill at Okon Eket. 4-5 June, 2004.
5. Consultant To United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
(d) Researches undertaken and Dates:
(a) Umoh, O. J. (1995). Economics Report: Northern Akwa Ibom Swamp Resources Development Study. Akwa Ibom Agricultural Development Project/African Development Bank.
(b) Umoh, Okon J., Akpan H. Ekpo and Uwatt B. Uwatt (1998). Socio-Cultural and Economic Disincentives and Incentives for Reduction in Family Size in the Cross River State of Nigeria. Population Research Fund Management Unit, Nigeria Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Ibadan.
(c) Umoh, Okon J., Akpan H. Ekpo and Uwatt B. Uwatt (1998). Socio-Cultural and Economic Disincentives and Incentives for Reduction in Family Size in Rivers State of Nigeria. Population Research Fund Management Unit, Nigeria Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Ibadan.
2009-2012: Facilitator for West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM) on:
* Managing Expenditure: Cash Planning and Management;
* Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF): Concept, Structure and Preparation.
* Monitoring and Evaluation of MTEF, NEEDS and Annual Budgets.
* MTEF: Programme and Performance Management.
* Fiscal Strategy and its relevance for MTEF/MTSS Budgeting.
* Mechanics of Fiscal Budget Preparation: Experience from Nigeria.
* Elements of MTEF/MTSS ; Concepts, Structure and Preparation.
* Monitoring and Evaluation of PRSPs, MTEF and Annual Budget.
2012: Associate Consultant to West African Institute For Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM) in the Evaluation of WAIFEM Programme.
2009-DATE: External Examiner, Department of Economics, College of Education, Afaha Nsit.
2010-DATE: External Examiner, Department of Economics, Osun State College of Education, Ila Orangun (Affiliated to the University Of Uyo)
Member, Nigerian Economic Society
Member, Nigerian Environmental Society
Member, International Association of Environmental Impact Assessors.
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