(B.Sc.) Petroleum Industry in the Development of Cross River State - 1985
Journal Articles | Books | Book Chapters | Technical Reports
Umoh, Okon J. (2000).
“Economics and Development” In I. B. Inyang and Essienubong Ikpe (eds.) Social Science for Science Students. Uyo, Abaam Publishing Company. pp. 100-120. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (2002).
“Environmental Baseline Data: A Panacea for Environmental Crises in Nigeria” in B. A. Oyejola (ed.) Statistics: A Veritable Tool for Environmental Protection. Nigerian Statistical Association. Ilorin, pp. 209-217. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (1998).
“Industrialization and Environmental Degradation in Nigeria” in Ukpong I. E. (ed). Geography and the Nigerian Environment. Nigerian Geographical Association, pp. 89-97. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (2000).
“Industrialization” in I. B. Inyang (ed.) South-Eastern Nigeria: Its Environment. Abaam Publishing co. Kaduna, pp. 135-143. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (2011).
"Intergovernmental Fiscal Relation in Nigeria: Structure. Lapses and Roadmap". In Tony Onyishi ed. Key Issues In Local Government and Development: A Nigerian Perspective. Enugu, Praise House Publishers. Pp642-658. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (2001).
“Local Government Autonomy in the Nigerian Federal Structure: Implication for Revenue Mobilization and Allocation” In Akpan H. Ekpo and Okon J. Umoh (eds). Revenue Generation and Tax Administration in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. Lagos, Somaprint Ltd. pp. 49 – 67.DOWNLOAD
Ekpo, A. H. and Okon J. Umoh (2003).
“Policy Framework for Rapid Expansion of Science & Technology in Akwa Ibom State” in Linus O. Asuquo (ed.) Science and Technology in Akwa Ibom State: Visions and Perspectives. Printex Press, Uyo. pp. 70-78. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. and Uwatt B. Uwatt (1999).
“Revenue Allocation in Nigeria during the Military Era” in Akpan H. Ekpo and E. U. Ubokudom (eds). Issues in Fiscal Federalism and Revenue Allocation in Nigeria. Anthony Ani Professional Chair Conference Series. No. 1, pp. 106-139. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (2006).
“Social Science Education and Sustainable Development” in Udo Etuk (ed.). University Education and Sustainable Development: A Forum. Lagos, Minder International. pp. 129-142. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (2003).
“The Process of Generating Labour Market Statistics and the Role of Information Technology: An Overview” in Ebebe A. Ukpong (ed.) Manpower Data and Labour Market Analysis in Nigeria. Sibon Books Limited. Abuja. pp. 65-73. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (2008).
“Towards Proper Administration of Oil Activities in the Niger Delta” in OtoAbasi Akpan (ed). The Environment & Sustainable Development: Essays in Honour of Obasanjo’s Environmental Legacy for Nigeria. Diofe Production: Frontiers Quarterly. Pp. 138 – 153. DOWNLOAD
"Utilization levels of Primary Healthcare (PHC) Facilities in Akwa Ibom State". In Inieke E.Umanah(ed.) Recurrent Issues in Social & Economic Discourse. Uyo. Brila Press. PP 79-108. DOWNLOAD
Umoh, Okon J. (1995). "Comments on Part II Papers (in External Trade and Economic Development in Nigeria)". Nigerian Economic Society.
Ekpo, A. H. and Okon J. Umoh (2000). “An Overview of Economic Growth and Development” in H. I. Ajaebu, B. J. St. Matthew – Daniel and O. E. Uya (Eds) Nigeria: A Compendium, pp. 125-131.
Ekpo, A. H. and Okon J. Umoh (2000). “Growth and Direction of External Trade” in H. I. Ajaebu, B. J. St. Matthew – Daniel and O. E. Uya (eds). Nigeria: A People United, A Future Assured, Vol. 1 – A Compendium, pp. 187-196.
Ekpo, A. H. and Okon J. Umoh (2000). “The Informal Sector" in H. I. Ajaebu, B. J. St. Matthew – Daniel and O. E. Uya (eds.) Nigeria: A People United, A Future Assured. Vol. 1 – A Compendium, pp. 183-186.
Ekpo, A. H. and Okon J. Umoh (2003). “Economics of Environmental Management in the Tropics” in E. N. Adinna, O. B. Ekop and V. I. Attah (eds) Environmental Pollution and Management in the Tropics SNAAP Press Ltd, Enugu, pp. 78-93.
Umoh, Okon J. (2006). “Youths and Entrepreneurial Development in Nigeria” in Godwin E. Akpan and Christopher N. Ekong (eds.) Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development. Lagos: Minder International. pp. 79-88.
Umoh, Okon J., Kenneth U. Onye and Itoro P. Ubi- Abai(2016). "Public and External Debt Suatainability in Nigeria", in Douglason G. Omotor and Okon J. Umoh eds, Fiscal Policy Management (Essays in Honour of Professor Akpan H. Ekpo), Lagos. Advercomplus Services. Pp77- 92.
Umoh, Okon J. and Friday E. Uko (2016). "Tax Administration – The Theoretical Perspective", in Douglason G. Omotor and Okon J. Umoh eds, Fiscal Policy Management (Essays in Honour of Professor Akpan H. Ekpo), Lagos. Advercomplus Services. Pp 189- 211